ABSTRACT - In mating systems defined by limited access to areas where females gather and mate, males are not able to spend all of their time in pursuit of females. Male Pachydiplax longipennis (Odonata: Libellulidae) defend pond-based territories for much of the day, where they mate with females prior to oviposition. I manipulated feeding history, male density, and territory value (female presence) for P. longipennis in large flight cages in order to test between two hypotheses for how long a male remains territorial: (1) energy balance, an estimate of resource holding potential, and (2) female arrival, an estimate of resource value. Energy levels and rate of energy usage by males, but not female presence, affected territory tenure in male P. longipennis. Where the resource defended is spatially limited access to gravid females, resource holding potential can be defined in terms of energetic constraints in a wide variety of taxa, both cold-blooded (Murphy 1994) and warm-blooded (Vehrencamp et al. 1989), both invertebrate and vertebrate.


        Animals fight over scarce resources. In each fight, three asymmetries may determine the winner of a fight: value of the contested resource, fighting ability (resource holding potential, RHP), or an asymmetry uncorrelated with physical characters, such as ownership (e.g.: Maynard Smith & Parker 1976; Hammerstein 1981, Hammerstein & Parker 1982). The relative importance of asymmetries in resource holding potential (RHP) and resource value (RV) on single contest outcomes has been studied in many taxa (Austad 1983; Verrell 1986; Beletsky and Orians 1987, 1989; Bjorklund 1989; Yokel 1989; Dugatkin and Ohlsen 1990; Dugatkin and Biederman 1991). All of these studies assumed or showed that RHP is related to size or weight of the contestant. Resource value was variously defined as: presence of a female during the fight (Yokel 1989), pairing status (Bjorklund 1989), length of time the territory had been held (Beletsky and Orians 1987, 1989), female size (Austad 1983; Verrell 1986), availability of territories (Riechert 1979), or expected feeding regime (Dugatkin and Ohlsen 1990; Dugatkin and Biederman 1991). In some cases resource value was more important than RHP in determining who won a fight (Krebs 1982; Beletsky and Orians 1987, 1989; Bjorklund 1989; Yokel 1989) whereas in other cases, resource value affected contest duration, but not contest outcome (Riechert 1979; Austad 1983; Verrell 1986; Dugatkin and Ohlsen 1990; Dugatkin and Biederman 1991).
        In contrast to the extensive research regarding single contests, questions about repeated contests are essentially unexplored. However, a territorial individual must win repeated contests against a number of different intruders in order to maintain its territory. A male may eventually lose his territory when the value he places on the resource changes, or when his resource holding potential changes. Resource value can change as the environment changes, or the territory owner's evaluation of resource value can change independent of external changes (Krebs 1982). Resource holding potential can change if it is related to age or energy levels. For example, energy intake and energy use may affect the presence of males at mating sites in elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris, Le Boeuf & Reiter 1988) and in sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus, Vehrencamp et al. 1989).
        Some territorial dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera) maintain territories for only a few hours each day (Fitzpatrick and Wellington 1983). When more males are present, the amount of time a male dragonfly spends fighting increases, resulting in shorter territory tenure (Kaiser 1974; Koenig 1990). Length of territory tenure can also be affected by resource value, defined as rate of female arrival (Koenig 1990). Male Pachydiplax longipennis appear to ingest approximately the same amount of energy each day that they expend on territories, suggesting that energy might be an important factor in their territoriality (Fried & May 1983).
        If males lose fights because they run out of energy (Marden & Waage 1990), a male that fights more should run out of energy faster and lose his territory sooner than a less active male, all else being equal. Similarly, a male with more energy reserves may take longer to run out of energy. If resource value determines the outcome of contests, then a male that is able to copulate frequently should continue to invest in winning fights and remain on his territory longer than a male that encounters and copulates with few females, again, all else being equal.
        In nature it would be difficult to vary one factor (energy expenditure, energy intake or female arrival rate) while holding other factors equal. Therefore I manipulated feeding history, male density, and territory value (rate of female arrival) for P. longipennis in large flight cages to test between two hypotheses: (1) energy balance determines how long a male can remain territorial and (2) female arrival and mating success determine how long a male stays territorial.


Animals and Study Site

        Pachydiplax longipennis is a medium-sized (total length 28-45 mm) territorial dragonfly abundant at ponds and streams in the eastern United States. Gravid females come to the water to oviposit and usually to mate. They are approached by territorial males at the water with whom they copulate for about half a minute. After copulation the male releases the female and hovers near her while she oviposits. Oviposition takes only one or two minutes, after which the female leaves the pond and the male returns to defending his territory. Fights involve one male, abdomen raised, chasing another. Occasionally fights escalate, and the two males fly rapidly upward at a 40 degree angle, to approximately 10 meters into the air. Males that leave their territories during the day almost always leave after a fight. Males leave their territories at night to roost in the treetops. Both males and females forage away from the pond.
        I carried out the following research between 15 April and 24 August 1991 and between 15 May and 31 July 1992 at the University of Florida Research and Education Center (UFREC) in Welaka, Putnam County, FL. At the UFREC I built two large (10 x 20 x 3 m) enclosures (Dunham 1994). One cage, which contained part of a larger pond, held males prior to experiments. The experimental cage contained a man-made pond (5 x 10 m). This pond was marked at 1 m intervals. The experimental cage was split with a mesh wall into two halves of equal size, each containing half of the pond. Pachydiplax behave normally in such a cage, although they survive significantly longer than free-living individuals (pers. obs.). Sympetrum also behaved normally in similar enclosures (Michiels 1989).
        Preliminary observations indicated that on the unenclosed pond no more than two male Pachydiplax were territorial at a time. In contrast, the same pond supported as many as four territorial males at the same time during the experiments.
        Each adult male was marked, weighed to the nearest .1 mg, and the left hindwing was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm before introduction to the cage. Females were also individually marked.
        Energy reserves can determine contest outcome in some odonates (Marden and Waage 1990). Therefore, I sacrificed all males at the end of each experiment to determine two measures of energy reserves: fat and gut contents. Fat content should be a good estimate of long-term energy balance. Gut content should be a good estimate of energy intake in the previous 24 hours (Fried and May 1983). I immediately removed and weighed the gut, and returned it to the abdominal cavity. I then weighed each body part separately (head, thorax, abdomen, wings and legs). Fat was extracted from dried body parts for 8 h with chloroform in a Soxhlet apparatus (Marden 1989).
        Weather conditions affect activity in these ectotherms (e.g.: Heinrich and Casey 1977; Pezalla 1979; Hilton 1983). I therefore recorded light level (in foot candles), cloud cover, and temperature every 15 min throughout the day.
        I recorded the identity and position of all males at the enclosed pond every 15 minutes between 0800 and 1800 in order to estimate tenure in hours. Between 20 May and 16 August 1991 I recorded tenure for 185 males on 37 days for a total of 277 male-days of tenure. Between 13 June and 19 July 1992 I recorded tenure for 87 males on 18 days for a total of 167 male-days of tenure. Weather conditions and treatment changed from day to day. Therefore, tenure for an individual male on a given day was considered to be independent from that individual's tenure on other days (Koenig 1990).
        I caught a 272 males as adults. For each experiment, males were allowed to settle on territories on both sides of the enclosure. Experiments started the day after capture. Two different treatments were presented on a given day, one in each half of the cage. Males were used in only one experiment each, but experienced more than one treatment during an experiment.
Experiment #1 - Effects of Density and Female Presence on Tenure
        I used a repeated-measures design with environmental variables as covariates. Treatments were presented in random order, each lasting one day. The experiment lasted two days. To reveal the effects of density and female presence on territory tenure, I recorded tenure (in hrs) of males exposed to varying male densities in the presence or absence of females. Male density was expected to affect energy expenditures by increasing activity (Koenig 1990), and female presence was expected to increase territory value by increasing encounter rate and mating frequency.
        I manipulated territory value by releasing as many gravid females as possible (up to 11) into one side of the experimental cage and none into the other. The ratio of males to females ovipositing ranged from 1:1 to 11:1. In most cases, males experienced either female presence or female absence throughout both days of a two-day experiment. In one instance females were added to the cage on the second day of the experiment. During the four months of study, each side of the cage contained females an equal number of days. Not all females present in the cage oviposited on a given day. On days when females were present, an average of 1.35 + 1.38 different females oviposited in the cage (range = 0 to 6). That is, 30.1 + 27.0% of the females in the cage oviposited. Females always mated before ovipositing, and often visited all territories in the cage before mating.
        The density of males in the cage ranged between 1 and 13, in order to manipulate activity level. To test whether the density manipulation affected activity level, I watched focal males for 15 min each from 27 June to 16 August. I discontinued observations if the focal male tried to escape from the cage or if I lost sight of him in the undergrowth. Observations ranged from 3 to 15 min. I conducted focals on all males at the pond in turn. I timed the duration of flight, patrols, chases, and copulations during each focal watch. I also recorded the identity of females copulating during focals. In all, I conducted 234 focals on 65 males at densities ranging from 1 to 13 males per cage half. I also recorded 15 focal watches on 6 males in the wild.
        Males experienced a different density on each day of the two-day experiment, in random order. Density of males was decreased by removing randomly chosen males at 1900 hr on the first day, or increased by adding males before 0900 hr on the second day of the experiment.
Experiment #2 - Effects of Repeated Feeding, Male Density, and Female Presence
        In 1992 I manipulated feeding history of males, as well as manipulating male density and female presence. Male Pachydiplax were hand fed by gently introducing a teneral Enallagma sp. of known weight to the mouthparts. Males were then allowed to perch on a stick in a bucket. Any remains of the meal were collected and weighed. All fed males consumed at least some food. Control males were handled similarly. The Enallagma weighed 17.6 + 2.24 mg (N=217), of which fed males consumed 7.9 + 8.65 mg. Males normally eat 7.86-9.95 mg in an entire day (Fried and May 1983). To maximize the effect of feeding, experimental males were fed for three days in a row prior to the experiment, as well as daily during the four-day experiment. All males were allowed to feed freely in the enclosure.
        Female presence was manipulated as described for experiment #1. As many as 13 females were added to a cage half. The operational sex ratio (males territorial to females ovipositing that day) ranged from 4:1 to 8:9.
        Male density was adjusted the evening before each day of the experiment. Males that disappeared overnight were replaced before 0800 h the day of the experiment. Four males were used in each low density treatment, and 8 males were used in each high density treatment. Once again I used a repeated-measures design. Treatments were presented in random order, such that each male experienced 4 of 8 combinations of males density, female presence, and feeding treatment. The 45 males used in this experiment contributed a total of 95 male-days.


The cage environment and my manipulations significantly affected fighting behaviour (Table I). In the cage, density was positively but weakly related to the time focal territorial males spent fighting (r2 = 0.044, N = 185, p = 0.004) and to the number of fights during focals on territorial males (r2 = 0.090, N = 185, p = 0.0001). Total time active and density were not related (r2 = 0.001, N = 221, p = 0.71).
        In the cage, males fought an average of 0.48 + 1.29 times during 15 minute focals (N=221, range = 0 to 12 times ) for an average of 4.3 + 15.7 sec fighting (range = 0 to 190 sec). At high density in the wild, males fought an average of 5.0 + 3.3 times during 15 minute focals (N=55, range = 0 to 12) for an average of 58 + 69 sec fighting (range = 0 to 394 sec). Males fought significantly less in the cage than in the wild (t=5.738, p < 0.0001).
        In 1991, the average tenure in one day for all males in the cage was 2.47 + 2.48 h (range = 0 to 10 h). In 1992, average tenure for caged males was 2.98 + 2.43 h (range = 0 to 8.25 h). Tenure was not significantly different in 1991 from tenure in 1992 (t = 1.74, p > 0.05). Despite the higher level of activity in the wild, tenure in the wild (2.86 + 2.25 h) did not differ from in the cage (t=0.77, df = 275, p > 0.05). Males with tenure of zero were considered non-territorial. An average of 83.1 + 21.09% of males present were territorial on any given day.
Experiment #1 - Effects of Density and Female Presence on Tenure
        Only density had a significant effect on mean tenure (Table II). Recorded weather conditions had no effect on territory tenure. Although female presence did not affect tenure, females did affect territorial males. The effect of density on time spent fighting, though small, was stronger in the presence of females (slope of regression = 0.09; 95% confidence limit = 0.04 - 0.14) than in their absence (slope 0.017; 95% confidence limit = 0.001 - 0.034). Similarly, the effect of density on the number of fights was stronger when females were present (slope = 0.141; 95% confidence limit = 0.081 - 0.201) than in their absence (slope = 0.033; 95% confidence limit = 0.00 - 0.070). In addition, males in the presence of females had less fat/total body mass at the end of the day (1.5% + 1.0, N = 52) than males with no females present (2.3% + 1.8, N = 50; p=0.0065).
Experiment #2 - Effects of Feeding, Male Density, and Female Presence
        Feeding increased energy reserves in fed males. Males that were fed were fatter (N=9, mean = 5.6 mg total fat content + 1.92) at the end of the experiment than males that were not fed (N=10, mean = 3.1 + 1.29, t=3.4, p=0.004).
        Female presence had no effect, but feeding and male density did affect tenure duration (Table III). Males that had been hand fed stayed on their territories significantly longer than control males (fed males: 3.7 + 2.51 h, control males: 2.3 + 2.17 h, t=2.86, p = 0.005). Fed males began territory defense earlier than unfed males on average, though this difference was not quite significant (fed: 11.1 h + 1.2, unfed: 11.8 + 1.9, t=1.953, p=0.054). As additional evidence that feeding affected tenure, length of tenure significantly increased with number of days a male was fed, independent of male density or female presence (r2=0.065, p=0.0121, F=6.59). At high male density, individual males maintained territories for a shorter time than at low male density (Table III). Interactions were not significant.


        Despite extreme variation in the system and differences between conditions in the enclosure and conditions in the wild, energy levels and male density significantly affected territory tenure in male P. longipennis.
        The length of time males can defend territories depends on their resource holding potential (here, energy balance at the beginning of the day). Territorial behaviour carries a double cost - males do not feed while territorial, and they expend energy at a high rate. Fed males were able to maintain territory defense longer than unfed males. Fried and May (1983) originally suggested that P. longipennis may be energy limited based on their estimates of energy intake and energy consumption. This species will forage faster when more prey are available (Baird, unpubl. data), further indicating energy limitation. The current study experimentally shows that territorial males are indeed energy limited. Alternatively, males are time limited, in the sense that they cannot simultaneously forage (take in energy) and behave territorially (expend energy).
        Male density acted to decrease tenure duration by increasing the number and length of fights during the day, thereby presumably increasing energy use. Total activity did not significantly increase as density increased, suggesting that fights take time away from other activities. Territory duration is also negatively correlated with male density and with time spent chasing in the libellulid dragonfly Plathemis lydia (Koenig 1990).
        Resource value, here defined as female presence, did not affect territory tenure. However, males are more sensitive to the presence of other males and use up their fat reserves when females are present. In the cage, female arrival rate was very low (mean 1.35/day/30 m shoreline), and time of arrival was unpredictable, so that territory tenure may not have been a strong predictor of reproductive success. However, even with high female arrival rate (8.07/day/30 m), in P. lydia there is no correlation between territory tenure and mating success (Table 2, Koenig 1990).
        In mating systems defined by limited access to areas where females gather and mate, males are not able to spend all of their time in pursuit of females. The observed ability of male dragonflies to display aggression longer when they consume more energy fits a wider taxonomic trend. Male barking treefrogs (Hyla gratiosa) who were artificially fed before arrival at a pond stayed in the chorus longer, thereby acquiring more mates (Murphy 1994). Male sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) expend up to 17.4 times their basal metabolic rate while displaying on a lek (Vehrencamp, et al. 1989). Males who are very active on the lek appear to forage further from the lek than less active males, suggesting the importance of foraging to continued active display. Where the resource defended is spatially limited access to gravid females, resource holding potential can be defined in terms of energetic constraints in a wide variety of taxa, both cold-blooded and warm-blooded, both vertebrate and invertebrate.
        Acknowledgements - I would like to thank J. Waage for his patient assistance. My ideas have benefited greatly from discussions with him and with L. Brooks, S. Gaines, and D. Morse. M. May, J. Marden, O. Fincke, R. Bohr, L. Wolf, and B. Anholt made helpful suggestions on the manuscript. Support for this work was provided by Sigma Xi and the Animal Behaviour Society, as well as the Graduate School of Brown University. Preparation of this MS was supported by NSF grant #DEB 9107078. The University of Florida at Gainesville allowed me to use their facilities (ACF & UFREC), for which I thank them. Special thanks to M. Miller, O. Reese, D. Schultz, M. Stewart, and A. Taylor for all their help at the former UFREC.


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Table I. Means and standard deviations of A. number of fights/15 min focal (N) and B. number of seconds fighting/15 min focal (N).

A. Number of fights/15 min focal period.
(1-3 males)
(7+ males)
Females present 0.12+0.392 1.15+2.040 5.0+3.3
(90) (66) (55)
Females absent 0.21+0.787 0.43+0.959
(28) (37)


B. Number of seconds fighting/focal period.
(1-3 males)
(7+ males)
Females present 1.2+4.4 10.9+26.7 58+69
(90) (66) (55)
Females absent 0.1+0.3 3.3+7.6
(28) (37)


Table II. Effects of female presence and male density (number of active males in cage) and their interaction on length of territory tenure (in hrs). Environmental variables are covariates. Males that were not territorial are not included in the evaluation of tenure. Each sample is one male-day. R2= 0.061.

Treatment                       df              Mean Square     P-Value
Female presence             1               10.580                  0.1637
Male density                    1               35.612                  0.0112
Female presence             1               12.631                  0.1283
by Male density
Average cloud                  1               3.618                   0.4145
Average light                    1               4.045                   0.3883
Average temperature       1               1.075                   0.6563
Residual                           165            5.405

Female presence              N               Mean          Std. Dev.
Females present               87              3.28            2.08
No females                       82              3.40            2.63

Table III. Female presence, male density (number of active males in cage), feeding history (fed every day), and their interactions versus length of territory tenure (in hrs). Each sample is one male-day. R2= 0.150. Means table presented underneath.
Source of variation             df      Mean square             F                P
Feeding history (A)             1       50.894                      9.379           0.0029
Female presence (B)           1       3.376                        0.622           0.4324
Male density (C)                  1       33.168                      6.112           0.0154
AB                                       1        0.006                        0.001           0.9727
AC                                       1        2.772                        0.511           0.4767
BC                                       1        0.307                        0.056           0.8127
ABC                                    1        0.092                        0.017           0.8969

Residual                              87      5.427

Treatment                       N               Mean               Std. Dev.
Fed                                 47                 3.676                2.505
Not fed                           48                2.302                2.173
Females present             49                3.107                2.421
Females absent              46                2.848                2.462
Low density                    32                3.766                2.584
High density                   63                2.583                2.268